sexta-feira, fevereiro 19, 2010

A man falls - Part 2

Lucas woke upside down, with the head under the water, and his right foot stuck in a pile of junk on the river's margin. He managed, with some difficulty, to release his foot and get off the water.
His skin was pale, with a tone of blue, but he didn't feel cold. Although he was probably as strong as before, he begun to feel as if he was weak, and the feeling was getting worse. As the poison was still in the way of getting him to transform, he had constant hallucinations and fever, and, in despair, he ran inside the forest, and there remained, in horror, for quite a few days.

To understand the process of how a human transforms into a vampire, we have, however, to get back a "few" years in time.

Contrary to common belief, pure vampires aren't monsters, and in fact, never were. They also don't have long canine teeth or anything else that could, esthetically, denounce them as vampires.
They have, however, super strength and other attributes which they generally manage to hide.

One of these primitive vampires is supposed to have transfused it's own blood into a dying young woman he fell in love with, thus creating the first impure vampire, or, vampire-human. Since pure blood vampires live a secret life, most legends and tales only talks about vampire-humans, referring to them simply as vampires.

Back to our tale, the science of that old age wasn't advanced enough to allow the vampire to understand why her loved one got sick frequently, needing transfusions from time to time.

The story tells that they had a son, Andrauss, and that he was born healthy, and without manifesting any of his father's attributes, until the age of twenty two. At this time, he also begun to have similar symptoms as his mother. One day, his father was a bit exhausted from giving too much blood from himself to his mother, and she then transfused him her own blood.

The father was surprised as Andrauss got away without transfusions for about two weeks, which was almost seven times more than he could stay without his father blood. He then begun to experiment on blood transfusions of different kinds, having for source cow blood, then dogs, and other such common animals. The vampire-human rejected all these kinds of blood, which either didn't do any good, or even made him feel sicker.

One day, the father found in a human friend a voluntary who gave him a bit of his own blood. He tried injecting that on Andrauss, one of the times he was very sick, only to find him getting better in a matter of minutes, and again, sustain his health for another two weeks.

The records aren't very clear, but it's stated that Andrauss married and had twelve sons, of which nine were boys, and that after his human spouse died in an accident, he retired to live with his father and mother. The three of them always lived in country-like places, away from crouds and the noise of civilization. They had to change location from time to time, because it was difficult to explain why they didn't age a single day, as the years passed. Whenever the couple received the visit of his grandchildren, they had to lie that they were brothers of Andrauss, because they also developed the vampire qualities around their twenty years, and since then, didn't age a single day, either, making their father looks like a friend or brother of the same age.

One of Andrauss sons, which by that time was called Augustus, got very fond of politics and the affair of state in general, and so managed to get popular in roman empire court, as a very intelligent politician and public servant. He was also perceived as a man of kindness, who was uncomfortable with all kinds of injustice.

Using his influence, he managed to acquire a property, around Pompeii, by the age 18 d.c., and relocated there his entire family, including his grandma and grandpa. As the decades passed, they managed to build a very beautiful village and the most beautiful garden ever seen around there.

With the passing of the years, tough, the Roman elite got very found of Pompeii, and many senators, and even the emperor, begin to spend more and more time in there. Pompeii became a city for the intellectual and the young as well, and all this attention begun to be a threat to the vampire family. However, Augustus was very admired and the story tells that whenever he acquired any slaves, he immediately set them free. If any of his employees ever found out about his secrets and/or of any member of his family, he probably managed to keep the secret to himself. Augustus family was taken as very reserved, so they could fake the "rebirth" of his relatives under a different name. Augustus managed to disguise his youngness through makeup for several decades. He even felt psychologically older, and used to walk, talk and gesticulate as an old man would do. 

In a beautiful day, in the year 79 a.c., the Pompeii croud gathered to a celebration of the Roman empire. An emissary of the emperor himself was present, and everyone, including all of Augustus uncles and aunts, went to the street to see the presentations, which were among the most beautiful ever seen, even to present day.

And in this climate of party and joy, not even the vampires realized that when the burning lava got down from the Vesuvius, it was already too late to run, or to savage anything.

The vampire's village was, indeed, one of the first buildings to be destroyed, along with everyone inside, followed to the city's main exit, and then, downtown, where most of the crowd gathered.

Of Andrauss and his family, the only remaining were some of Augustus cousins, which stayed at their homes, away of Pompeii's fate, but some of them without their parents or anyone else to take care for them.

The younger one begun to starve from a hunger that human science couldn't yet handle, and that the psychology of such a young creature was too fragile to endure...

And it was by that time, that the human-vampires developed the ability and the deep desire for human blood, as a means of both relieving their sickness symptoms. Aided by the guilty, horror and insanity the twisted vampire-human himself had to face, made of him a terrible monster, whose image was transmitted to his sons, which he conceived by slaving female victims and raping them. These children were raised more like animals than human beings, and in time, the flexible, morphing physiology of the vampires developed the long canines which allows then to inject their own blood on the victims, causing temporary paralysis, allowing then to feed without having to fight their victims.

All of this slowly took the state of things to be as they are today ...

-- To be continued  ...

quarta-feira, fevereiro 17, 2010

A man falls - Part 1

He was a naive young men when it all happened. And it happened so fast that he couldn't think of any reactions.

His name is Lucas. He was twenty-three at the time. He still looks like that, even though this happened more than fifty years ago. Lucas felt an huge amount of pain in his neck, while the vampire was killing him for his blood. The toxine paralised every single muscle, leaving a mixed feeling of numbness, pain, and death.

In an unexpected event, a lost bullet, shot by a gang war happening on the other side of the river, happened to penetrate the vampire's head when about half of Lucas's blood was already drained.

The vampire suddenly had a very similar feeling to the one Lucas was experimenting: He felt a mixture of numbness and death. For even tough it was maybe a hundred years since he died to become what he is, the fact is that he didn't feel as dead. Apart from the hunger and other symptoms, he felt pretty much alive.

Now, I never bought the fact that vampires kept their memory even when their brain was severely damaged. Somehow, they do. Well, most of it, anyway.

The vampire fell to the ground, unconscious, and remained in that state for a few hours. When he woke, his brain cells, and memory, were almost entirely regenerated. The only memory he didn't quite have or understood was that of the impact of the bullet. He was too concentrated on his blood rage to memorize exactly what was happening at the time.

He didn't care for Lucas as a victim, or anyone else for that matter, so he didn't bother to try and recover whatever was left of him. Lucas was just some junk food he had to get on the lack of something better. The vampire was more into young woman. He loves the fear and the screams they make, not to mention the sweet smell on their neck. To then, he reserves the most sadistic and insane actions. As for all other victims, such as older people, who dies on his hands (or his teeth, to be more precise), in general they don't suffer anything apart from a fast (although painful) death.

While the vampire was laying down on the floor, Lucas woke and managed to walk a few steps. He was too weak and poisoned, so he barely could stand. He tripped on a few small grey rocks on the floor. He ended falling into the river, being dragged by the flow, with no exact whereabouts.

To be continued ...

quinta-feira, fevereiro 04, 2010


Caridade é , sobretudo, amizade.
Para o faminto - é o prato de sopa.

Para o triste - é a palavra consoladora.
Para o mau - é a paciência com que nos compete auxiliá-lo
Para o desesperado - é o auxílio do coração.

Para o ignorante - é o ensino despretensioso.
Para o ingrato - é o esquecimento.
Para o enfermo - é a visita pessoal.

Para o estudante - é o concurso no aprendizado.
Para a criança - é a proteção construtiva.
Para o velho - é o braço irmão.

Para o inimigo - é o silêncio.
Para o amigo - é o estímulo.
Para o transviado - é o entendimento.

Para o orgulhoso - é a humildade.
Para o colérico - é a calma.
Para o preguiçoso - é o trabalho.

Para o impulsivo - é a serenidade.
Para o leviano - é a tolerância.
Para o deserdado da Terra - é a expressão de carinho.

Caridade é amor, em manifestação incessante e crescente. É o sol de mil faces, brilhando para todos, e o gênio de mil mãos, amparando, indistintamente, na obra do bem, onde quer que se encontre, entre justos e injustos, bons e maus, felizes e infelizes, por que, onde estiver o Espírito do Senhor aí se derrama a claridade constante dela, a benefício do mundo inteiro.

-- Emmanuel

quarta-feira, fevereiro 03, 2010

A coisa certa

Nem sempre é fácil fazer a coisa certa.

Naquela metáfora do diabo num ombro e o anjo noutro, cada um pesando os prós e os contras, podemos encontrar uma realidade e uma dicotomia muito mais íntimas, na constatação de que somos chamados a decidir entre lados opostos de nós mesmos.

O egoísmo diz: "faça o que é melhor para si, os outros são problemas deles mesmos, não importa nada senão obter o que quer a qualquer preço".

A consciência prudente, quando desenvolvida, diz: "Considere o que tuas atitudes representam para esta pessoa. Considere o que representariam se estivesse no lugar dela. Considere o que elas representariam se esta pessoa fosse o que há de mais importante para você."

Não fosse o lado egoísta, fazer a coisa certa nunca seria doloroso. Seria apenas gratificante. Mas, nas raras vezes em que a consciência vence esta batalha, ainda fica um gostinho amargo de falta. O ego deixou de ser satisfeito, e como criança, fica emburrado no canto, contando as supostas maldades que recebeu, com algum exagero.

O ego a tudo quer se agarrar, todos os laços, reais ou imaginários, quer acorrentar. O ego é o carcereiro das realizações humanas.

Somente a consciência liberta, e deixa voar. Ainda quando longe está de ser indolor.

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